Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Kawah Putih (White Crater)

The Patuha mountain, was approximately 2300 metre on sea level, next south the Bandung city, kept a mystery from the passed. The community considered the Patuha Mountain was the region that the armature, they considered the peak of the Patuha Mountain beforehand was the place of the meeting of the ancestors Bandung Selatan. But, the mystery that has become known that began to be extinct after being expressed by a Dutch scientist peranakan Germany, Dr. Franz Wilhelm Junghun, that also a Dutch plantation businessman who loved conservation of nature during 1837. The condition for the Patuha Mountain valley at that time still was taking the form of the luxuriant forest, was filled local kind trees, like rasamala, saninten, huru, samida, etc.

Because the feeling was curious and his mistrust, Junghun continued to penetrate the density of the Patuha Mountain forest. And finally he found a crater lake that was seen very exotic, and very beautiful. Although being found in 1837, but this region just became the tourist attraction in 1987 after being developed by PT Perhutani the Unit of III West Java and Banten.

After entering the area of Kawah Putih, not the fear that will be experienced by you, but you will definitely be motionless and were stunned like that saw and witnessed personally how astonished him the pool of coloured white water was accompanied the smoke that billowed above. The colour of water in the Kawah Putih lake always was not white, the white colour of the crater was the colour that most was experienced when visiting, occasionally water was green apples and bluish, when the intensity of the sun and the clear weather, occasionally also was coloured the milk chocolate.

source: bandung total.com
photo: irpon.wordpress.com

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