Thursday, March 5, 2009

Kota Solo (Solo the Heritage City)

Solo Balapan, the rail station in Kota Solo.

Solo City (aslo known as Surakarta City) is a city among 2 volcanoes mountains, Merapi & Lawu. It has a welknown river named Bengawan Solo River that flowing through this city.

Solo has a city theme "Solo the Spirit of Java" and also famous as a stronghold and center of Javanese tradition and culture.

Keraton Solo is located 10 km west of Solo, the remnant of the palace is there.

Solo antique market is located nearby Mangkunagaran Palace, named Pasar Triwindu. You can see so many things of antique ornaments, curiosities, crafts, etc. You can also buy traditional fabrics of Javanese, Batik, in Pasar Klewer. It is an old market placed off the west gate of Keraton's North Square.

You also can taste many kind of Javanese Cuisine in Galebo, it placed in along the street not far from Keraton Surakarta, such as Nasi Kucing, fresh cow milk, angkringan, and many else.

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